Table of Contents


Korpi Engine uses a Unity-like C# scripting API for game logic. The scripting API is designed to be quite similar to Unity's API, to make it easier for developers to transition from Unity to KorpiEngine.


Most of the API has been annotated with XML comments, so you can see the documentation in your IDE.

Entity/Component/System model


Entities are the basic building blocks of the game world. They are similar to GameObjects in Unity.

You can create entities by calling scene.CreateEntity(), or by creating an Entity object.


If you create an Entity object with new Entity(), you need to also spawn it into a scene by calling entity.Spawn(scene).


  • have a Transform component that defines their position, rotation and scale.
  • can have multiple components attached to them.
  • can be parented to other entities.
  • can have a name for debugging purposes.
  • can be dynamically created and destroyed at runtime.
  • cannot be inherited from.


Components are reusable pieces that can be attached to entities to give them functionality.

Similarly to Unity, they can be added to Entities by calling AddComponent<T>() on an entity, queried with GetComponent<T>(), and removed with RemoveComponent<T>().


  • inherit from EntityComponent.
  • can be added and removed at runtime.
  • have the usual expected lifecycle methods (OnAwake, OnStart, OnUpdate, OnDestroy, ...).



The systems API is still a work in progress. It can be used, but it's not as polished as the rest of the API.

EntitySystem is a base class for systems that operate on the components of a single entity.

SceneSystem is a base class for systems that operate on all components of a given type in a scene.