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Korpi Engine is a code-only 3D game engine written in C#.

The goal of this engine is to provide a viable alternative to other game engines for programmers, and other people who prefer working directly with code.

Korpi Engine does NOT aim to:

  • be just like Unity or Unreal Engine
  • offer a visual scripting system
  • be a one-size-fits-all solution for every game project

Korpi Engine DOES aim to

  • stand out with its 'programmer-first' approach
  • offer a clean and simple API
  • adhere to the KISS principle
  • be a good learning tool for game/engine development
  • be modular and extensible, to allow for easy integration of new features and systems.

Which types of games is Korpi Engine best suited for?

  • Open-world games: The engine is designed to handle large worlds with minimal additional programmer effort.
  • Procedural generation: The APIs have been designed to support custom procedurally generated meshes.

An example of such a game could be a Minecraft-like voxel game, or a deep-space exploration game.

Which types of games is Korpi Engine NOT well-suited for?

  • 2D games: The engine is designed for 3D games, and does not have built-in support for 2D games.
  • Mobile games: The engine is designed for desktop platforms, and does not have built-in support for mobile platforms.
  • Highly visual games: The engine does not have a visual scripting system, and is not designed for rapid prototyping of visual effects.
  • Games that require a large/complex asset pipeline: While the current pipeline supports streaming and dynamic loading/unloading, features like asset compression have not yet been implemented.

Why the name "Korpi"?

The name "Korpi" is Finnish and means "wilderness" or "forest". It was chosen to reflect the engine's focus on large, open-world games.